This is the second of several blog posts meant to serve as a crash course in Haskell for someone already familiar with programming and somewhat familiar with functional programming. The previous post in the series was here, and the next post can be found here.
In this guide, we’ll learn about writing packages and managing dependencies using cabal
, a Haskell
build tool, package format, and dependency manager. We’ll also get some practice reading and writing
Haskell code, with the ultimate goal of writing a working and playable game of Pong.
The Haskell Cabal
The two tools that you’ll encounter most frequently when working with Haskell code and packages are
(the GHC Haskell compiler) and cabal
. You’ve already encountered the ghc
compiler — it
takes Haskell source and outputs a binary executable or a module. However, GHC offers only low-level
features — it doesn’t know anything about library versions, library dependencies, extra data files you
may need to build your program. It’s a compiler, and nothing else.
That’s where cabal
comes in. Cabal is hypothetically an acronym that stands for "Common
Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries", but realistically does a lot more
than its name suggests. Here are a few things Cabal does:
Cabal provides a standard format for describing a Haskell package (executable or library), including specifying dependencies, exported modules, required language extensions, test suites, and any other fields required to describe a Haskell package.
Cabal provides a build system that can build a package described in its standard format, given that all dependencies of the package are installed.
Cabal provides a package manager, which, given a package to install, can figure out which versions of all its dependencies need to be installed, and then install the package along with all dependencies from Hackage (the open Haskell package repository).
Cabal provides sandboxing functionality, allowing packages to be installed locally to a directory, so that a package may be tested and built completely independently of all globally installed packages.
Cabal provides a test suite runner, which can manage dependencies for test suites (separately from the library or executable) and run tests.
Cabal provides a suite of other tools for working with Haskell tools. These tools can start REPLs (command-prompts) pre-loaded with all the modules in your package, create source distributions of your package and upload them to Hackage, generate documentation, and so on.
Extensive documentation for each may be found online or in the Cabal user manual. In this guide,
we’ll introduce you to features of cabal
through our example — an executable package
containing a game of Pong.
Creating a Sandbox
Our game of pong is going to have a few dependencies. First and foremost, we’ll use a library called
for drawing all of our graphics. We could use cabal
to install gloss
globally, so that
all Haskell code on the computer could use it. However, with this approach we may eventually run
into problems: if I have two packages, A (which depends on gloss-1.0
) and B (which requires
), having a single global version of gloss
won’t work, because we cannot have both A’s
and B’s requirements satisfied simultaneously.
Instead of installing gloss
globally, we’re going to create a sandbox. A sandbox is a directory
in which cabal
will (for the most part) ignore the global packages, and will instead install
packages directly to that directory. First, let’s create a directory and switch to it with the
following commands:
mkdir pong
cd pong
Now, let’s turn this directory into a sandbox. Make sure you cd
to your new directory before
running this, since your working directory is what will be turned into a sandbox.
cabal sandbox init
Cabal should tell you that it’s created a directory, with an output like this:
Writing a default package environment file to /path/to/pong/cabal.sandbox.config (1) Creating a new sandbox at /path/to/pong/.cabal-sandbox
1 | /path/to/pong will be replaced with the absolute path to the pong directory you created. |
If you look in that directory with ls -a
, you should see the file cabal.sandbox.config
and the
directory .cabal-sandbox
. You do not need to worry about or edit either of these, but they are
important for cabal
. All libraries and supporting files will be installed to .cabal-sandbox
, as
long as you run the cabal
command from the pong
cabal will only use a sandbox if it is run directly from within the sandbox. In this
case, you must be in the pong directory when running all subsequent cabal commands, otherwise
cabal will refuse to use the sandbox and may install packages to your global package database
Creating a Package
Now that we have a sandbox to play in, let’s create our first package. Once again, make sure you are
running this from within the pong
directory. This command will turn the pong
directory into a
Haskell package directory (as well as a sandbox):
cabal init (1)
1 | When you run this command, cabal will ask you a bunch of questions. You can safely ignore all
of these except "What does this package build". |
Cabal can create either an executable or a library package. Since we want a runnable game, we must
create an executable. When you run cabal init
, one of the questions will be:
What does the package build: 1) Library 2) Executable Your choice?
Make sure to enter "2" in order to create an executable package.
When cabal
asks Include documentation on what each field means (y/n)?
, you will want to answer
(instead of n
, which is the default), so that the generated package file will have useful
Once cabal init
is done, it will have created two files for you: Setup.hs
and pong.cabal
allows packages to write advanced build scripts — you do not need to worry about it for
the time being. pong.cabal
is a configuration file which tells cabal
everything it needs to know
about your package. Take a look at pong.cabal
. You will see a bunch of top-level fields, like
name: pong (1) version: (2)
1 | This is the name of your package. If you wanted to publish it online, you would want it to be unique in the Haskell ecosystem. |
2 | This is the version of your package. Version numbers must follow a semantic versioning policy known as the Package Versioning Policy (PVP). You do not need to worry about version numbers in this case. |
In addition to the to-level fields, you will also see a section describing the output executable:
executable pong (1) main-is: Main.hs (2) build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.8 (3)
1 | executable is a keyword, indicating that this section describes an output executable. pong
is the name of this executable (it is the same as the package name by default, but does not have to
be). |
2 | main-is tells cabal where to find the Main module and main function for this executable. |
3 | build-depends lists all the dependencies of this executable. Later, we will need to modify this to
allow our executable to use the gloss library. |
Beginning Development
We now have a sandbox and a package, which means we can start writing code! Begin by entering the
following simple program into Main.hs
. Recall that the main-is
field in pong.cabal
the file to be named Main.hs
(unless you changed it from the default, in which case, edit the file
specified by your main-is
module Main(main) where
main = putStrLn "Hello, World!"
You can now run your executable:
cabal run
The output from the first time I run cabal run
looks like this:
Package has never been configured. Configuring with default flags. If this fails, please run configure manually. Resolving dependencies... Configuring pong- Warning: The 'license-file' field refers to the file 'LICENSE' which does not exist. (1) Preprocessing executable 'pong' for pong- [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, dist/build/pong/pong-tmp/Main.o ) Linking dist/build/pong/pong ... Hello, World! (2)
1 | You may get a warning about the LICENSE file not existing. If you’d like to get rid of this
warning, just touch LICENSE or otherwise create an empty file named LICENSE to satisfy cabal . |
2 | This is the output of your program — clearly, it’s working! If your program contained syntax or
type errors, the compilation would fail and the errors would be shown after the Compiling Main
line. |
keeps around old compiled data, so it does not have to re-compile all your files every time
you make a change. If you’d like to clean out its cache, you can run
cabal clean (1)
1 | cabal generates a folder called dist to store all the compiled files. cabal clean will
remove that folder, as well as potentially doing other things. |
Instead of using cabal run
to run your executable, you can also build and run it yourself.
cabal build
cabal build
will compile your program and create the dist
directory. Your executable will be
located in dist/bin
, and will be named pong
(or whatever follows the executable
keyword in
your pong.cabal
Congratulations! You’ve created your first working cabal
We’ve got ourselves a functioning sandboxed package. We can run it with cabal run
. It’s time to
start adding functionality!
Our final goal is a game of Pong with the following properties and controls:
When we execute
cabal run
, our program should open a game of Pong and start playing it. -
The two players should be able to control their paddles using the
keys (for one player) and the up and down arrow keys for the other. -
Gameplay should continue until the ball falls off one end. Then, the game should just stop updating.
Players should be able to pause and unpause by pressing
and quit at any point by pressingq
You’ll note that we’re describing a fairly minimal game of Pong — we don’t deal with menus, we don’t display a win/loss notification, we don’t have any sounds, we don’t have any fancy effects. But even without this, it’ll be a fully functional game! (No pun intended.)
Basic Drawing
Let’s start off with some very basic code. First, find the documentation for the latest version of
Gloss on Hackage. This guide is written for Gloss 1.8, so some code may be out of date if you are
using a newer version of Gloss. (If you don’t know where to find that, searching for "Haskell gloss
hackage" is likely to get you where you need to be.) Open the documentation for Graphics.Gloss
the top-level module exported by the gloss
library. We’ll start off with the demo code very
similar to that which is included in the Gloss documentation:
module Main(main) where
import Graphics.Gloss
window :: Display
window = InWindow "Nice Window" (200, 200) (10, 10)
background :: Color
background = white
drawing :: Picture
drawing = circle 80
main :: IO ()
main = display window background drawing
If you enter this into Main.hs
and then try to cabal run
, you’ll get an error message like this:
Main.hs:3:8: Could not find module ‘Graphics.Gloss’ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
We’ve forgotten to do two things. First of all, we have to install the gloss
library into the
cabal install gloss==1.8.* (1)
1 | In this command, we install gloss version 1.8.* . This means it will get the newest version
such that the version number starts with 1.8 . You may want to install newer versions of Gloss, but
this guide was put together with Gloss 1.8 in mind. |
Make sure you run all cabal
commands (including the previous one) from the sandbox directory
). Next, once gloss
is installed, we have to tell cabal
that our package is allowed to
use it. Find the line in pong.cabal
that mentions build-depends
and change it to the following:
build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.8, gloss==1.8.* (1)
1 | In this example, I’ve fixed my gloss version to 1.8.* , meaning that the package will compile
only if it can use a version number that starts with 1.8. |
If we forget to modify built-depends
, we’ll get an error that looks like this:
Main.hs:3:8: Could not find module ‘Graphics.Gloss’ It is a member of the hidden package ‘gloss-’. (1) Perhaps you need to add ‘gloss’ to the build-depends in your .cabal file. Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
1 | Packages are hidden to cabalized modules unless you explicitly allow them in the build-depends
field, like described above! |
Once we get out program compiling, we will see a window containing our simple drawing (a circle on a white background):

Before moving on, let’s break down the code that produced this circle.
As always, our Main
module must have a main
function. When using gloss
, this main
will always be one line. That line will depend on how much control we want over our application.
Right now, we want to do the bare minimum, and let gloss
to the rest, and for that we use
main :: IO ()
main = display window white drawing
The display
function takes three arguments. To learn more about it, open the Hackage
documentation for gloss
and find the display
function. (If you are not experienced with reading
documentation on Hackage, you should do that right now. Practice reading documentation is useful!)
The documentation tells us that the three arguments to display
are a display mode, a background
color, and the picture we’d like to draw. It also says that we can move the resulting viewport
around and quit using the Escape key.
The display mode (type Display
) tells gloss
how we want to display our picture. We can use the
constructor to create a fullscreen application, or use the InWindow
constructor to
create a window.
window :: Display
window = InWindow "Nice Window" (200, 200) (10, 10)
The InWindow
constructor accepts a string as a title, a size (width and height in pixels), and a
position for the top-left corner of the window.
The color (type Color
) we pass to display
sets the background color.
background :: Color
background = white
Unlike Display
, we don’t have access to the constructors for Color
. Instead, we have access to functions
such as makeColor
, dim
, bright
and predefined colors such as black
, white
, azure
, and
which we can use to create Color
Finally, our Picture
tells gloss
what to draw in the window:
drawing :: Picture
drawing = circle 80
We have access to many constructors and functions to create Picture
values. For example, the
constructor creates a circle. Each constructor has aliases; for example, circle
is a
function alias for Circle
. We also have more complex functions, such as circleSolid
. circle 80
creates a picture with a circle of radius 80 centered in the window. (We
could use the translate
function to move it around if we didn’t want it to be centered.)
Drawing Pong
Let’s start off by drawing something which looks like a game of Pong. As before, start off with a general skeleton of the application, which looks almost identical to the previous one:
module Main(main) where
import Graphics.Gloss
width, height, offset :: Int
width = 300
height = 300
offset = 100
window :: Display
window = InWindow "Pong" (width, height) (offset, offset)
background :: Color
background = black
main :: IO ()
main = display window background drawing (1)
1 | We have yet to define drawing ! We’ll do that next. |
Once we define drawing
, we can get something that looks like this:

To build this image, we’ll start off with a few basic drawing primitives:
circleSolid :: Float -> Picture
: Creates a solid circle with the given radius (theFloat
). -
rectangleSolid :: Float -> Float -> Picture
: Creates a solid rectangle with the given width and height (theFloat
Everything in the image above is drawn using only those two shapes. Let’s try placing one of each
in an image. To combine two or more Picture
values, we can use the pictures
function and pass
it a list of the pictures we want to overlay:
drawing :: Picture
drawing = pictures
[ circleSolid 30
, rectangleSolid 10 50
If you run this, you will see a completely blank black window. Although it may seem like there’s
nothing on the screen, we actually are drawing the circle and rectangle; however, the default
color for all shapes is black, so we draw a black shape on a black background, and see nothing. To
fix this, we can use the color :: Color -> Picture -> Picture
combinator function, which changes
the color of a shape and returns the new colored shape.
drawing :: Picture
drawing = pictures
[ color ballColor $ circleSolid 30
, color paddleColor $ rectangleSolid 10 50
ballColor = dark red (1)
paddleColor = light (light blue) (2)
1 | dark :: Color -> Color is a function which takes a color as an argument and returns a darker
color. |
2 | light :: Color -> Color is a function like dark which takes a color as an argument and
returns a lighter color. We can use it multiple times to create a really light color. |
This code will let us see the shapes we’ve drawn in color:

We still have a problem — all our shapes are awkwardly jumbled together in the middle. By default,
all shapes in Gloss are drawn centered at the middle of the screen. In order to change this, you
can use the translate :: Float -> Float -> Picture -> Picture
function, which translates a
picture by a given x and y distance and returns a new, translated picture. For example, let’s
shift over those shapes a little bit in each direction:
drawing :: Picture
drawing = pictures
[ translate (-20) (-100) $ color ballColor $ circleSolid 30 (1)
, translate 30 50 $ color paddleColor $ rectangleSolid 10 50
ballColor = dark red
paddleColor = light (light blue)
1 | We have to put negative numbers in parentheses. If we write -10 instead of (-10) , the
Haskell parser assumes we are trying to use - as a binary operator, and will give you parse
errors or very strange type errors. |
As expected, the shapes are no longer in the center:

Armed with these tools, you can create the Pong game you saw earlier. The code that generated is a little bit longer than it really needs to be for such a simple drawing for the sake of clarity, but should be fairly straightforward to comprehend:
drawing :: Picture
drawing = pictures [ball, walls,
mkPaddle rose 120 (-20),
mkPaddle orange (-120) 40]
-- The pong ball.
ball = translate (-10) 40 $ color ballColor $ circleSolid 10
ballColor = dark red
-- The bottom and top walls.
wall :: Float -> Picture
wall offset =
translate 0 offset $
color wallColor $
rectangleSolid 270 10
wallColor = greyN 0.5
walls = pictures [wall 150, wall (-150)]
-- Make a paddle of a given border and vertical offset.
mkPaddle :: Color -> Float -> Float -> Picture
mkPaddle col x y = pictures
[ translate x y $ color col $ rectangleSolid 26 86
, translate x y $ color paddleColor $ rectangleSolid 20 80
paddleColor = light (light blue)
Before moving on, we’d like to refactor this a little bit. In particular, when we’re drawing frames
of our game, we don’t want to pass around a half dozen Float
values. We might easily get confused
as to which is which, and functions with too many parameters are annoying to work with. Instead,
we’ll refactor our system into three pieces:
-- | A data structure to hold the state of the Pong game.
data PongGame = ...
-- | Draw a pong game state (convert it to a picture).
render :: PongGame -> Picture
-- | Initialize the game with this game state.
initialState :: PongGame
This way, we can easily update the game state (the PongGame
) without worrying about how its
drawn, and we can write a render
function without worrying about how the game state is updated.
The game state can be summarized by the following fields:
The pong ball location.
The pong ball velocity.
The locations of the paddles.
We can put all of these into a single record:
-- | Data describing the state of the pong game. (1)
data PongGame = Game
{ ballLoc :: (Float, Float) -- ^ Pong ball (x, y) location.
, ballVel :: (Float, Float) -- ^ Pong ball (x, y) velocity. (2)
, player1 :: Float -- ^ Left player paddle height.
-- Zero is the middle of the screen. (3)
, player2 :: Float -- ^ Right player paddle height.
} deriving Show (4)
1 | This comment uses Haddock syntax for documentation. Haddock is a documentation generating
system like javadoc or doxygen . When you have a comment that starts with
a vertical bar (| ), Haddock parses the comment using its markup syntax and stores it as an
annotation on the declaration that comes after the comment. In this case, since we use a vertical
bar, the comment applies to the PongGame data structure. |
2 | The caret (^ ) at the beginning of the comment is also Haddock syntax. While the vertical bar
attributes the comment to the following declaration, a caret attributes it to the preceeding one,
so this comment describes the ballLoc field. |
3 | Note that this comment doesn’t have a caret. However, since it’s right after another comment,
it’s assumed to be a continuation of the previous comment, so it also describes the player1 field. |
4 | We use deriving Show so that we can easily debug our program by printing PongGame values. |
For the time being, our initial state is just an arbitrary initialiation of this data structure:
-- | The starting state for the game of Pong.
initialState :: PongGame
initialState = Game
{ ballLoc = (-10, 30)
, ballVel = (1, -3)
, player1 = 40
, player2 = -80
The most complex bit of this refactoring is the render
function. It is almost identical to the
code we wrote before, but uses the PongGame
it’s provided with instead of hard-coding all the
-- | Convert a game state into a picture.
render :: PongGame -- ^ The game state to render.
-> Picture -- ^ A picture of this game state.
render game =
pictures [ball, walls,
mkPaddle rose 120 $ player1 game,
mkPaddle orange (-120) $ player2 game]
-- The pong ball.
ball = uncurry translate (ballLoc game) $ color ballColor $ circleSolid 10
ballColor = dark red
-- The bottom and top walls.
wall :: Float -> Picture
wall offset =
translate 0 offset $
color wallColor $
rectangleSolid 270 10
wallColor = greyN 0.5
walls = pictures [wall 150, wall (-150)]
-- Make a paddle of a given border and vertical offset.
mkPaddle :: Color -> Float -> Float -> Picture
mkPaddle col x y = pictures
[ translate x y $ color col $ rectangleSolid 26 86
, translate x y $ color paddleColor $ rectangleSolid 20 80
paddleColor = light (light blue)
Making Animations
In this section, we’ll upgrade our application from a static display to an animation. This animation will do very little; it’ll move the ball, but it won’t implement collision logic or anything else.
In Gloss, animations are created using the animate
function of type animate :: Display -> Color
-> (Float -> Picture) -> IO ()
. This is almost identical to display
; however, where display
takes a Picture
, animate
takes a function of type Float -> Picture
. In other words, to create
an animation, you have to write a function which can generate a picture when given the number of
seconds that have passed since the start of the animation.
In our case, we’ll use this to compute a new position for the ball, based on its initial location
and velocity. First, let’s define a moveBall
function which can create a new game state by
updating the ball position from an old one:
-- | Update the ball position using its current velocity.
moveBall :: Float -- ^ The number of seconds since last update
-> PongGame -- ^ The initial game state
-> PongGame -- ^ A new game state with an updated ball position
To implement this, we use the ballLoc
and ballVel
fields of the PongGame
moveBall seconds game = game { ballLoc = (x', y') }
-- Old locations and velocities.
(x, y) = ballLoc game
(vx, vy) = ballVel game
-- New locations.
x' = x + vx * seconds
y' = y + vy * seconds
Then, we can use this in our main
instead of the picture we pass to display
main :: IO ()
main = animate window background frame
frame :: Float -> Picture
frame seconds = render $ moveBall seconds initialState
Making Simulations
We can’t do much using animate
, since we have no information about the previous state of the
game, cannot update the state of the game, and cannot handle any interesting logic or user input.
For a little bit more power, we can use the simulate
function, which has the following type
signature and documentation:
-- | Run a finite-time-step simulation in a window.
simulate :: Display -- ^ How to display the game.
-> Color -- ^ Background color.
-> Int -- ^ Number of simulation steps to take per second of real time.
-> a -- ^ The initial game state. (1)
-> (a -> Picture) -- ^ A function to render the game state to a picture. (2)
-> (ViewPort -> Float -> a -> a) -- ^ A function to step the game once. (3)
-> IO ()
1 | The game state used by simulate is a type variable, a . This means that Gloss leaves the
choice of game state data structure up to the user. In our case, we want this to be PongGame , so
you can mentally replace all instances of a with PongGame . |
2 | This is just our render function! |
3 | The stepper function is passed the current viewport and the number of seconds that have passed since the last update. |
We can start off by just re-implementing our animation using simulate
-- | Number of frames to show per second.
fps :: Int
fps = 60
main :: IO ()
main = simulate window background fps initialState render update
-- | Update the game by moving the ball.
-- Ignore the ViewPort argument.
update :: ViewPort -> Float -> PongGame -> PongGame (1)
update _ = moveBall (2)
1 | If you include this type signature in your code, you will need to import ViewPort , because
ViewPort isn’t included in Graphics.Gloss . Import it from the Graphics.Gloss.Data.ViewPort
module. |
2 | update (according to its type) takes four arguments, but in this declaration it only takes
one (the viewport) which we immediately ignore with _ . Recall that all functions in Haskell
really take on argument, and that multi-argument functions just return functions that take more
arguments. In this case, update returns moveBall , which handles the remainder of the arguments
passed to update . |
Next, let’s implement collisions, so that our game becomes playable. We have two types of collisions we need to implement: collisions with the side walls and collisions with the paddles. We’ll implement these by writing the following functions:
-- | Detect a collision with a paddle. Upon collisions,
-- change the velocity of the ball to bounce it off the paddle.
paddleBounce :: PongGame -> PongGame
-- | Detect a collision with one of the side walls. Upon collisions,
-- update the velocity of the ball to bounce it off the wall.
wallBounce :: PongGame -> PongGame
Bouncing off the walls is easier, because it doesn’t require accessing the game state to find out where the paddles are. We can start by detecting the collisions, given just the location of the ball and its radius:
type Radius = Float (1)
type Position = (Float, Float)
-- | Given position and radius of the ball, return whether a collision occurred.
wallCollision :: Position -> Radius -> Bool (2)
wallCollision (_, y) radius = topCollision || bottomCollision
topCollision = y - radius <= -fromIntegral width / 2 (3)
bottomCollision = y + radius >= fromIntegral width / 2
1 | Recall that the type keyword creates type aliases. Wherever you see Radius , replace with
with Float . |
2 | Using type aliases makes your code clear and self-documenting. When looking at this type signature, a user will know exactly what each argument represents. Using type aliases as documentation is a common Haskell practice. |
3 | You cannot directly compare a Float and an Int , so you must use fromIntegral to convert
width from an Int to a Float . We declared width earlier when we created the window, and we
used an Int because window creation requires an integral number of pixels for the dimensions. |
Using wallCollision
, we can easily implement wallBounce
. The only tricky aspect is accessing
the game state and updating the y velocity of the ball:
wallBounce :: PongGame -> PongGame
wallBounce game = game { ballVel = (vx, vy') }
-- Radius. Use the same thing as in `render`.
radius = 10
-- The old velocities.
(vx, vy) = ballVel game
vy' = if wallCollision (ballLoc game) radius
-- Update the velocity.
-- Do nothing. Return the old velocity.
Finally, we have to change our update
function to use wallBounce
. Our new update
will consist
of two steps: first, move the ball according to the number of seconds that have passed; then, check
for wall collisions, and update based on collisions.
-- | Update the game by moving the ball and bouncing off walls.
update :: ViewPort -> Float -> PongGame -> PongGame
update _ seconds = wallBounce . moveBall seconds
In the function above, we use (.)
, the function composition operator. The function composition
operator has type (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
; given an input, it runs the right
function on it, gets the output of the right function, then runs the left function on that output,
and returns the output of the left function. This is just like the hollow dot symbol you may be
acquainted from in mathematics.
In Haskell, function composition via the (.)
operator (as above) is used very commonly to express
a pipeline of operations. When combined with currying, it can be very clean and concise, though
some beginners may find it tough to understand at first. In the example above, we curry moveBall
with seconds
, yielding a function of type moveBall seconds :: PongGame -> PongGame
. If we
compose that with wallBounce
, we get another function PongGame -> PongGame
, which is exactly
what we need, sine update
only handled the first two of three arguments it has (and left the last
argument, a PongGame
, to be handled by its output).
Handling User Input
So far, we have an app that starts a pong game and then plays it forever. However, the players can’t move their paddles! In this section, we’ll fix this issue and learn how to deal with user input.
For games and other applications which require user interaction, Gloss provides the play
-- | Play a game in a window.
play :: Display -- ^ Window to draw game in.
-> Color -- ^ Background color.
-> Int -- ^ Number of simulation steps per second of real time.
-> a -- ^ The initial game state.
-> (a -> Picture) -- ^ A function to render the world a picture.
-> (Event -> a -> a) -- ^ A function to handle input events.
-> (Float -> a -> a) -- ^ A function to step the world one iteration.
-> IO ()
This function has a ton of arguments, but we have already dealt with most of them when we used
. We have one new function of type Event -> PongGame -> PongGame
, which handles input
Find the documentation for Event
in the Gloss documentation. You will find that it has three
constructors: EventKey
, EventMotion
, and EventResize
, represnting keyboard and mouse button
presses, mouse movement, and window resizing (respectively). When our function receives an Event
it can pattern-match on the Event
data structure and respond appropriately (by modifying the
). The documentation will be very helpful when figuring out how to construct patterns
to detect the events that you care about.
In our game, we’d like to detect keypresses. Specifically, when the user presses 'w' or 'a', the left paddle should move up and down, respectively. In the following example, we reset the ball to the center whenever the user presses 's':
-- | Respond to key events.
handleKeys :: Event -> PongGame -> PongGame
-- For an 's' keypress, reset the ball to the center.
handleKeys (EventKey (Char 's') _ _ _) game =
game { ballLoc = (0, 0) }
-- Do nothing for all other events.
handleKeys _ game = game
In order to use the Event
, EventKey
, and Char
symbols (and anything else related to events),
you must import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
In the handleKeys
example, we ignore many aspects of the Event
, such as the KeyState
or Down
), any
keys that are held, and the position of the mouse at the time. For more complex
interactions, we may care about these.
In order to use handleKeys
, we simply pass it to play
main :: IO ()
main = play window background fps initialState render handleKeys update
In addition, update
must no longer take the ViewPort
; since we didn’t use it anyways, you can
remove the _
pattern we used to ignore it, and all will be good.
Final Steps
Congratulations! You’ve written a fully-functional executable package. Although a game of Pong is unlikely to be useful to anyone, if this were a useful executable or library you would want it to share it with the world.
The cabal
tool makes it very easy to upload your code to Hackage. First, you must generate a
distribution package using sdist
cabal sdist
This will create a tarball (a bundle with the tar.gz extension) and tell you where it placed the
tarball. For example, on my system, cabal sdists
prints the following:
Source tarball created: dist/pong-
Then, you can upload with the following command, replacing my tarball path with whatever cabal
gave you:
cabal upload dist/pong-
cabal upload
will prompt you for your Hackage username and password, and then upload the file. If
you do not have a Hackage username or password, it is fairly easy to create one — follow the
online instructions to do so. When uploading to Hackage, make sure you have set the LICENSE
and field in your cabal file. Also, make sure to fill in all the fields, including a proper
description, dependencies, author, website address, source code repository, and so on — these are
all things which you want to keep updated and correct for all your online packages.
After you run cabal upload
, Hackage will host your package forever. Other people will be able to
cabal install
it (after they run cabal update
to update their package repositories). Hackage
will try to build your package and generate documentation for it (using Hackage), so if your
package builds successfully, documentation for all exported modules should appear online a few
hours after the upload.