Andrew Gibiansky   ::   Math → [Code]

Your Very First Microprocessor

Monday, December 10, 2012

This is the last post in Computing with Transistors, a series of blog posts describing how computers work from the ground up. The first post and namesake of the series is available as Computing with Transistors. In the previous post, we talked about Circuits and Arithmetic.

Computer processors are, for programmers, almost magical devices that do their commanded bidding. However, delving a bit deeper and figuring out what is really going on inside the processor can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and can help programmers write well-performing code as well as understand how the code they write actually gets executed. In this code, I'll go over how a program goes from human-readable form (i.e. assembly language) into a processor and how the processor executes a program. Most of the things I say are sweeping generalizations and possibly inaccurate if you scrutinize, but the ideas are correct and should help you understand how your Intel processor actually works.

Executable Code

In order for our processor to execute a program we write, we must convert the program into some form that a digital processor can understand. This is traditionally done by an assembler - a small program that can convert between an assembly language and machine code. Assembly language is usually incredibly simple, and describes almost exactly what is going on in the processor. For example, we can have the following assembly command:

move %eax, 0

In this hypothetical assembly language, this might mean to move the value zero into a register named "eax". A register is a small bit of memory that exists on a processor, often made of flip-flops or some other low-latency high-speed high-area memory. A typical processor will have a few registers, with designs having as few as ten to as many as a hundred. For instance, if we have three registers named "eax", "ebx", and "ecx", we could write a few lines of assembly code to swap values in these registers:

move %ecx, %eax
move %eax, %ebx
move %ebx, %ecx

This code swaps the values in %eax and %ebx, using %ecx as a temporary placeholder register. Assembly languages will also have commands to do arithmetic. For instance, a command to add the values in two registers and store the result in a third register might look like this:

add %eax, %ebx, %ecx

This would add the values stored in %eax and %ebx and put the result in %ecx. Using dozens of these small commands to move values around registers, do arithmetic operations, and others, complete computer programs can be built.

For a processor to execute these commands, we first encode them into machine code. Machine code is simply a digital representation of assembly language. In order to encode the command "move %eax, %ebx" into a number, we need to store three things: the command type (move), the source (%ebx), and the destination (%eax). Any given assembly language will only have a few dozen commands, so we can just number them, starting from zero. Similarly, we can number all the registers from zero onwards. Then, we can agree upon a machine code "protocol", where in order to represent a command, we first list the command type, then the source register, and then the destination register, and use an agreed-upon number of bits for each number. Suppose we have less than eight registers and less than five commands: then, we can use three bits to represent each register and two bits for each command. If "move" is the third command in our assembly language, and %eax and %ebx are the 2nd and 3rd registers, respectively, then we can encode "move %eax, %ebx" as 3|2|3. In binary, the command becomes "11", while the registers become "010" and "011", for a complete command of "11010011".

Let's make a small processor to read and execute these machine code instructions. We're going to break our task down, and do three separate things for each instruction: fetch, execute, and store.


The first thing our processor needs to do is read the newest command from memory. However, we first need to make some memory to store our commands! Let's create a bit of RAM. In our hypothetical piece of memory, we want to be able to read a byte of memory every clock cycle. We can make this memory in Verilog. As input, we take a clock and the address we want to read from. As output, we give the value at the desired address. In order to read from the memory, we first have to set the address to our desired location, and then pulse the clock up and down in order to have the memory update itself. This Verilog module might look a bit like this:

module ram(input clock, input [7:0] address, output reg [7:0] data);

// Storage medium, using Verilog syntax for arrays
reg [7:0] memory[255:0];

always @(posedge clock)
    data <= memory[address];


Let's create our processor module. The only thing the processor module will take as input will be a clock; in a real processor, of course, this would have connections to things such as input devices or LED displays or a multitude of other things. But we're sticking to simple things.

module processor(input clock);

Let's create a counter. This counter will give us the address from which we want to read our next instruction. Upon initialization, we'll start with address zero, and every time we want the next instruction, we'll increment our address by one.

module processor(input clock);

// Instantiate memory, using a counter for the address.
// Start reading at the first byte, address zero.
reg [7:0] address_counter = 8'b0;
wire [7:0] mem_out;
ram memory(clock, address_counter, mem_out);

// Increment the counter when we need to, as defined
// by the flag value increment_counter.
reg increment_counter;
always @(posedge clock)
    if (increment_counter == 1)
        address_counter <= address_counter + 1;


Note that we don't want to increment the address every cycle! These instructions will take several cycles to execute, so we have a flag register telling us whether we want to increment to the next address.

Next, we want to decode the instruction. We need to break it into its component pieces: the command, the source register, and the destination register. We know where each of these pieces is because of the way we designed our machine code: the first two bits are the command, the next three bits are the destination register, and the last three bits are the source register.

wire [1:0] command = mem_out[7:6];
wire [2:0] destination_addr = mem_out[6:3];
wire [2:0] source_addr = mem_out[2:0];

Our processor can now fetch the instructions from memory, using a counter to decide which byte of memory to read, and decode the machine code into its constituent parts.


After fetching and decoding our instructions, we need to process them to actually decide what to do. In our case, we have just one instruction to care about: move. The move instruction reads a value from one register and then writes it to another register. The first part of executing this instruction, then, will be reading the source register.

In order to read the source register, we first need a register file to read it from! A register file is a small block of memory with only a small number of available slots. In Verilog, a register file looks a lot like the RAM we designed earlier. However, in this case we're also going to want to write to it.

We're going to create a single-ported register file. This means that the register file just has one input/output port, which is used for both reading from the file and writing to the file. As before, we're going to use a clock and an address (three bits, indicating which register we want). We're also going to use an enable signal to determine whether the register file should be reading or writing. Finally, we're going to have a two-way input and output port which can either read data or write data.

module regfile(input clock, input [2:0] address, input en_write, inout [7:0] data);

// Register file storage
reg [7:0] registers[7:0];

// Read and write from register file
always @(posedge clock)
    if (en_write)
        registers[address] <= data;
        out_val <= registers[address];

// Output data if not writing. If we are writing,
// do not drive output pins. This is denoted
// by assigning 'z' to the output pins.
reg [7:0] out_val;
assign data = en_write ? 8'bz : out_val;


In order to use this register file, we have to remember that the data port must not be used when the write-enable signal is off (and the register file is reading). In order to tell Verilog that we're not using a data port, we simply write a special constant to it, denoted by 'z'.

Now that we have a register file, we can read from it by setting the address to the source register (if the write-enable signal is off).

// Flag to indicate whether we are reading or writing
reg reg_write = 0;

// If we are writing to the register file, use the destination register.
// If we are reading from it, use the source register address.
wire [2:0] reg_addr = reg_write ? destination_addr : source_addr;

// If we are reading, don't drive the pins.
wire [7:0] reg_data = reg_write ? write_data : 8'bz;

// Instantiate register file
regfile registers(clock, reg_addr, reg_write, reg_data);

// If we are reading, store the value
reg reading = 1;
reg [7:0] write_data;
always @(posedge clock)
    if (reading)
        write_data <= reg_data;   


We now have all the necessary pieces to completely implement the 'move' command. However, we're still missing the logic! Every clock cycle, we need to decide what to do based on what we were doing the previous clock cycle. (This is a simple state machine.)

We start out reading from the main memory (RAM). Once we've read from memory, we want to update the counter so that on the next read we don't read from the same place. We can implement this by remembering what state the processor is currently in, and changing the state every clock cycle based on current state:

parameter READING_RAM = 4'd1;
parameter UPDATING_COUNTER = 4'd2;

reg [3:0] state;

always @(posedge clock)
    if (state == READING_RAM)
        state <= UPDATING_COUNTER;

Once we've updated the counter, we want to read from the register file.

parameter READING_RAM = 4'd1;
parameter UPDATING_COUNTER = 4'd2;
parameter READING_REGISTER = 4'd3;

reg [3:0] state;

always @(posedge clock)
    if (state == READING_RAM)
        state <= UPDATING_COUNTER;
    else if (state == UPDATING_COUNTER)
        state <= READING_REGISTER;

Finally, after we've read from the register file, we want to write to the register file. After we've written to the register file, we start over, once more reading from memory.

parameter READING_RAM = 4'd1;
parameter UPDATING_COUNTER = 4'd2;
parameter READING_REGISTER = 4'd3;
parameter WRITING_REGISTER = 4'd4;

reg [3:0] state;

always @(posedge clock)
    if (state == READING_RAM)
        state <= UPDATING_COUNTER;
    else if (state == UPDATING_COUNTER)
        state <= READING_REGISTER;
    else if (state == READING_REGISTER)
        state <= WRITING_REGISTER;
    else if (state == WRITING_REGISTER)
        state <= READING_RAM;

We now know exactly what stages our processor will go through as it executes each command. However, we're still missing one thing: the logic that controls the rest of the hardware based on the state. We'd like to change the inputs to the RAM and register file based on the state that the processor is in.

// The @(*) notation means that the signals
// are always updated. This creates a block of combinational logic.
always @(*)
    if (state == UPDATE_COUNTER) begin
        increment_counter <= 1;
        reg_write <= 0;
        reading <= 0;
    end else if (state == WRITING_REGISTER) begin
        increment_counter <= 0;
        reg_write <= 1;
        reading <= 0;
    end else if (state == READING_REGISTER) begin
        increment_counter <= 0;
        reg_write <= 0;
        reading <= 1;
    end else begin
        increment_counter <= 0;
        reg_write <= 0;
        reading <= 0;

Once we've built this logic, as above, we have a fully functioning (albeit very simple) processor! Note that since we only have one command (move), we never actually use the first two bits. However, in a real processor, we have additional logic to look at that command and go into different states based on what that command is. Our processor reads a byte from memory, decodes the byte to determine what to do and which registers to use, and goes through several states as it reads and writes the registers indicated by our command. Congratulations, you've built your first mini-mini-CPU.


This mini-processor is obviously not a good representation of how a real-world processor works, but it is a starting point. If you're interested in learning more, I suggest that you design yourself a machine code/assembly language and create a fully-functioning processor for it. Include commands for movement, arithmetic, jumping around the instructions, and so on. If you want to test this on real hardware, you can buy an FPGA, which is a piece of programmable hardware on which you can imprint the designs from your Verilog code. (The Altera Cyclone II Dev Starter Kit is a good place to start.) Once you understand the basics of processors, Coursera has an outstanding course on modern processor design and computer architecture. Good luck!