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Abstraction in Haskell (Monoids, Functors, Monads)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

This is the fourth of several blog posts meant to serve as a crash course in Haskell for someone already familiar with programming and somewhat familiar with functional programming. The previous post in the series was here.

What is Abstraction?

A key feature of programming languages is their capability for designing abstractions. Most imperative languages support functions, and you may be familiar with a few that support more advanced abstractions, such as macros in Lisp or classes in most popular modern languages.

Though languages will have some abstractions as language features, abstractions are occasionally encoded as social constructs, often called "design patterns". Although they aren’t a fundamental part of programming language, things such as factories (common in Java), visitor patterns, thread pools, and client-server request-response communication protocols are all design patterns just as much as functions or classes.

In mathematics, abstraction takes on a slightly different meaning. Abstract mathematics relies on defining simple objects and a few axioms that relate them, and seeing what sort of results these axioms yield. (An axiom is simply a fact taken for granted, something that is assumed to be true without proof.) For instance, an important mathematical abstraction is the group:

A group $G$ is a set (an unordered list of unique items) associated with a binary operation $\cdot$ such that

  • For all elements $x, y$ in the group $G$, $x \cdot y$ is also an element of $G$.

  • For all elements $x, y, z$ in the group $G$, $x \cdot (y \cdot z) = (x \cdot y) \cdot z$.

  • There is some element $e$ (called the identity element) in $G$ such that given any $x$ in $G$, $e \cdot x = x \cdot e = x$.

  • For any $x$ in $G$, there exists some $y$ in $G$ such that $x \cdot y = y \cdot x = e$ (where $e$ is the previously mentioned identity element).

Mathematical abstractions have a tendency to be very general, and can be hard to apply to real-world scenarios and data. With the example above, how could we use a group structure in our software? Without a more concrete application, that abstraction is hard to utilize. On the other hand, traditional abstractions in software are straight-forward to apply, but can be hard to analyze rigorously. We get very few theoretical guarantees simply by knowing that some class implements the visitor pattern.

While the standard style of abstractions can be used in Haskell (and often are), we often prefer to use more rigorously defined mathematical abstractions. We represent these abstracts through a typeclass along with a set of laws that well-behaved instances must obey. (The language does not and cannot verify that the laws are followed, so whenever you write an instance of a typeclass with a set of associated laws, it is up to you to verify that the laws hold. The community tends to quickly point out invalid instances if they are in published libraries.)

The group abstraction above might be defined as the following typeclass:

-- A group has...
class Group g where
  -- an identity element,
  identity :: g

  -- an addition operation,
  add :: g -> g -> g

  -- and an inverse for each element.
  inverse :: g -> g

Whenever we wrote an instance for this class, we would want to verify that the following laws hold:

-- Our addition is associative.
forall x y z. x `add` (y `add` z) == (x `add` y) `add` z

-- We have a two-sided identity.
forall x. identity `add` x == x
forall x. x `add` identity == x

-- Every element has an inverse.
forall x. inverse x `add` x == identity
forall x. x `add` inverse x == identity

The laws above are not valid Haskell, but are just a way to express the laws that relate to our Group typeclass.

The abstraction of a group turns out not to be very useful in Haskell, so we won’t spend any more time on it; it’s served us well as an example, and is no longer useful to us. Note that although that particular abstraction isn’t useful, the style in which we defined it (as a typeclass with some laws) is common throughout the Haskell ecosystem. With that in mind, let’s spend the rest of this guide looking at some useful abstractions that Haskell programmers use every day.


The first abstraction we’d look to look at is fairly similar to the Group example, but somewhat more restricted. Like before, we’d like to generalize a notion of combining different elements using some sort of addition. For instance, we can combine numbers using + and we can combine lists and String s using ++. However, while numbers have inverses (so we could make them a Group), there’s certainly no notion of an inverse for strings or lists. To simplify our life, we can get rid of the requirement for an inverse.

The resulting algebraic structure is called a monoid:

A monoid $M$ is a set (in Haskell, a type) associated with a binary operation $\diamond : M \to M \to M$ such that

  • For all elements $x, y, z$ in the monoid $M$, $x \diamond (y \diamond z) = (x \diamond y) \diamond z$.

  • There is some element $e$ (called the identity element) in $M$ such that given any $x$ in $M$, $e \diamond x = x \diamond e = x$.

This definition is similar to the definition of a group; all we’ve done is removed one requirement! The typeclass looks pretty familiar, too:

-- A monoid has...
class Monoid m where
  -- an identity element,
  mempty :: m

  -- and an addition operation.
  mappend :: m -> m -> m

As usual, this abstraction comes with a set of laws, corresponding to the items in the mathematical definition above. We use the operator <>, which is just an infix alias for mappend.

-- Our addition is associative.
forall x y z. x <> (y <> z) == (x <> y) <> z

-- We have a two-sided identity.
forall x. mempty <> x == x
forall x. x <> mempty == x

The value of the monoid abstraction comes from its wide applicability, so let’s take a look at some examples. The most obvious instance would be one for numbers:

-- Numbers form a monoid under addition.
instance Num a => Monoid a where
  mempty = 0
  mappend = (+)

This instance, while tempting, has a number of problems (no pun intended). The main semantic one is that that’s not the only way to define a monoid over numbers! For example, we could also try to define something like this:

-- Numbers form a monoid under multiplication as well!
instance Num a => Monoid a where
  mempty = 1
  mappend = (*)

The other slightly more technical issue with both of the instances above is that they create an opportunity to seriously confuse the Haskell type system. If you try to define these instances, you’ll get an error message complaining about UndecidableInstances.

Undecidable Instances

By default, GHC requires that all typeclass instances be decidable, meaning that checking whether an instance applies is guaranteed to terminate and not create a loop in the type checker. In order to guarantee termination, GHC requires that any instance that has a context (such as Num a => in our example) obeys the rule:

"Each assertion in the context has fewer constructors and variables taken together than the head.""

Each part of the context is called an assertion – so the context (Num a, Show a) has two assertions in it, one for Num and one for Show, and the rule applies separately to each of them. The head is the instance itself, Monoid a in our case.

Our instance of the form Num a => Monoid a breaks this rule, since the assertion has the same number of type variables as the instance head (both have one type variable, a).

GHC allows you to disable this by enabling the UndecidableInstances extension, but this is considered a very bad idea. If you enable that extension, you can write code like the following:

class Class a where
  f :: a -> a
instance Class [a] => Class a where
  f x = x

When analyzing this code, if you use f, GHC will crash (or loop infinitely). For instance, suppose you had the expression f "x". Then, GHC would find the instance for Class a. In order to check that it applied, it would first check that Class [a] applied. In order to check that, it would once more use the Class a instance, at which point it would have to verify that Class applied. This would continue indefinitely, leading to an infinite loop in the typechecker.

This is a bad idea, so don’t enable UndecidableInstances.

In order to solve both of these issues, we can wrap the number in a semantically-meaningful newtype. We’ll create two new types – one called Sum for the monoid under addition, and another called Product for the monoid under multiplication.

-- Numbers form a monoid under addition.
newtype Sum a = Sum a
instance Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
  mempty = Sum 0
  mappend (Sum x) (Sum y) = Sum $ x + y

-- Numbers form a monoid under multiplication.
newtype Product a = Product a
instance Num a => Monoid (Product a) where
  mempty = Product 1
  mappend (Product x) (Product y) = Product $ x * y

With instances like these, we can write a general "sum" function to combine a list of monoids.

-- Combine a list of monoid elements into one.
mconcat :: Monoid m => [m] -> m
mconcat = foldl' mappend mempty

We can use this as a sum or a product by wrapping our values in the Sum or Product constructor:

sum :: Num a -> [a] -> a
sum nums = s
  where Sum s = mconcat $ map Sum nums

product :: Num a -> [a] -> a
product nums = p
  where Product p = mconcat $ map Product nums

The pattern of using newtype s to distinguish between monoids is fairly common, because for many data types there are multiple ways to interpret them as a monoid. For instance, for the Bool type we can interpret the binary operation <> as either an "and" or an "or", which yield the All and Any monoids, respectively:

newtype All = All Bool
instance Monoid All where
  mempty = All True
  mappend (All x) (All y) = All $ x && y

newtype Any = All Bool
instance Monoid Any where
  mempty = Any False
  mappend (Any x) (All y) = All $ x || y

The all and any functions can then be implemented very similarly to the sum and product functions above.

Yet another instance of this pattern (once more, no pun intended) is the First and Last monoids. These extract values from a list of Maybe values; as their names may suggest, they extract the first Just values and the last Just values encountered.

newtype First a = First (Maybe a)
newtype Last a = Last (Maybe a)

The instance implementation is left as an exercise to the reader. In both cases, the identity should be Nothing. In the First case, mappend should keep the left-most Just result it sees, whereas in the Last case, it should keep the right-most Just result.

Not all monoids fit this newtype ing pattern. For example, an incredible useful monoid instance is the one for the Ordering data type, implemented as follows:

-- An ordering, used to compare values.
-- The Ord typeclass requires a function compare :: a -> a -> Ordering.
-- Necessary for sorting and other order-dependent operations.
data Ordering = LT | GT | EQ

-- Allow for lexicographical ordering.
instance Monoid Ordering where
  mempty = EQ
  mappend EQ ord = ord
  mappend ord _ = ord

This monoid allows us to easily write comparator functions. For instance, suppose we had a type representing someone’s name:

data Name = Name {
    first :: String,
    middle :: String,
    last :: String

If we wanted to implement an ordering on names that sorted first on last names, then first names, then middle names, we could easily implement such an ordering:

instance Ord Name where
  compare name1 name2 =
    compare (last name1) (last name2) <>
    compare (first name1) (first name2) <>
    compare (middle name1) (middle name2)

Recall that the function compare :: a -> a -> Ordering is necessary for implementing the Ord typeclass, and that we already have an Ord implementation (and thus a compare function) for String s. Using the String compare and the Monoid instance for Ordering, we can easily write the lexicographic ordering for our Name data type.

The last monoid we’ll look at is the [a] monoid. This instance can be constructed almost trivially using the empty list and ++. however, this monoid has an interesting property. Although it has a somewhat special syntax, [] is actually a type constructor (similar to Maybe). [] takes any type a and spits out a valid Monoid. For this reason, the list type [a] is referred to as the free monoid – we get it for free for any type a, without any extra effort on our part. Although this is fairly uninteresting for monoids, we’ll see later that other algebraic structures also admit free variants which are somewhat harder to derive but can be used with great effect.


Monoids can be simplified even further to semigroups by removing the requirement for an identity element. A semigroup is a set with some associative binary operation on it. This structure can be encoded with the class

class Semigroup a where
  (<>) :: a -> a -> a

This class is not used very often in Haskell, but exists in the semigroups package, which also comes with a few instances for the class. Recently, there have been proposals to integrate the Semigroup class into the base library as well.

Finger Trees and Monoids

As with many things, mastery and understanding of monoids comes not only in knowing their definitions but also in being able to use them in practice. To that end, let’s look at a Haskell library called fingertree which utilizes the monoid abstraction to great effect. (The same algorithms and data structures are used in Data.Sequence module from the containers package, which implement fast random-access sequences for Haskell.)

Before looking at finger trees, let’s consider a simpler case – searching for the $n$th element in a list. Using standard Haskell lists, this takes $O(n)$ time, since you need to traverse $n - 1$ elements of the linked list to get to the $n$th element. In order to do this faster, we can superimpose a binary tree structure on top of this list:

Finger Tree structure

The terminal nodes store the list elements. The intermediate nodes are annotated with the number of children they have. Thus, the top node will be annotated with the length of the list, and every leaf will be annotated with the value one.

We could write the example tree above as follows:

data Tree a = Branch Int (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf Int a

tree :: Tree Char
tree =
  Branch 4
    (Branch 2 (Leaf 1 'A') (Leaf 1 'B'))
    (Branch 2 (Leaf 1 'C') (Leaf 1 'D'))

If we want to quickly reach the $n$th element in this tree, instead of starting at the beginning of the list and traversing forwards, we could start at the top of the tree and look for the place where the number of children to our left is greater than $n$.

For instance, suppose we wanted to access the fourth element. We start at the top of the tree, and look at the left and right branches. Since the left branch is annotated with a two, we know that we must look to the right in order to get the fourth element, since the left branch only has two children in it. We take the right branch, and once more look to the left and to the right. This time, we’re looking at a pair of leaves, so the annotations are both one. However, we know that these correspond to indices three and four, since we know we’ve skipped two elements by going to the right branch of the top node (because the left branch had annotation two). Thus, we know that the right branch of our current node is the third element, and we can access and return it. As long as the tree we impose on top of our list is balanced, we will be able to access any element in $O(\log n)$ time.

We can implement this search fairly easily.

-- Extract the annotation from a leaf or intermediate node.
annotation :: Tree a -> Int
annotation (Branch i _ _) = i
annotation (Leaf i _) = i

-- Look up an index in the tree.
treeLookup :: Tree a -> Int -> Maybe a
treeLookup tree i =
  -- Use a helper function which takes the number of elements skipped.
  -- At the top-level call, we've skipped no elements, so we pass zero.
  go tree 0
    -- At a leaf, make sure the index is the one we expected.
    -- If it isn't, then we reached the leaf too soon, probably because
    -- the binary tree was smaller than expected (index out of bounds).
    go (Leaf a x) seen =
      if a + seen == i + 1
      then Just x
      else Nothing

    -- At a branch, look at the left branch and decide whether to go there.
    go (Branch _ left right) seen =
      -- Only take the left branch if the index we're searching in
      -- comes earlier than the right branch.
      if annotation left + seen > i
      then go left seen
        -- If we take the right branch, we've skipped some elements.
        -- Pass the total number of skipped elements to the recursive call.
        go right (annotation left + seen)

The fingertree package extends the data structure here into 2-3 finger trees, which are similar to balanced binary but with a few properties that make them much nicer for immutable languages. For our purposes, we simply need to know that the trees are somewhat balanced and give us approximately $O(\log n)$ access time to their leaves, and that all the data in the trees is stored at the leaves, just like in the example above.

However, instead of storing an integer as an annotation, the intermediate nodes are annotated with a generic monoidal tag. Thus, the tree above would be written somewhat differently:

Show same tree

Note that the tag on any node is just the monoidal product (in this case, the sum) of any nodes it has as a child.

In order to create a new FingerTree, the package provides an empty value representing a finger tree with no elements in it. Elements may be inserted on the left or right with the functions

(<|) :: Measured v a => a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
(|>) :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a -> a -> FingerTree v a

The libraries suggests remembering these operators as triangles with new elements at the pointy ends. Unlike our previous example where we manually created leaves with annotation value one, we don’t pass the annotation directly. Instead, our value type must be an instance of the Measured typeclass, which looks like this:

class Monoid v => Measured v a | a -> v where
    -- Things that can be measured.
    measure :: a -> v

Ignoring the funky bar and a -> v in the class declaration (those are functional dependencies), this class says that you can convert your value a into some measure v which is a monoid.

Functional Dependencies

Functional dependencies are an advanced feature of Haskell typeclasses. Since they are not part of the standardized Haskell language, they are provided in GHC only if you enable the FunctionalDependencies extension. They are usually used along with the MultiParamTypeClasses extension, which is required to have typeclasses with multiple type variables (parameters).

Multiparameter typeclasses together with functional dependencies allow you to encode in your type class that one of the parameters limits the others. For instance, in the class

class Monoid v => Measured v a | a -> v where
    measure :: a -> v

the syntax | a -> v means that the value of the v parameter is uniquely determined by a. That is, it would be illegal to have two instances of the Measured typeclass in which the a variable was instantiated to the same type whereas the v type was different.

In this case, the functional dependency is indicating in the type system that there is only one way to measure a particular element. We could probably get along without this, but then we would probably need to give the type inference engine other hints.

This measure is the monoidal tag that gets placed in the tree. Thus, we can re-implement our fast-lookup list as a FingerTree where the measure of any value is just Sum 1. We choose Sum 1 because we want to add (as in normal addition) the tags of the children to get the tag of the parent, which is what the monoid instance for Sum does.

-- An element of our fast-access list.
data Element a = Element a

-- The measure of any element is just one.
instance Measured (Sum Int) (Element a) where
    measure _ = Sum 1

At this point, we can use functions provided in the fingertree package to implement our search. It turns out our lookup is already mostly implemented, though not in the way we might expect! The package provides the following functions to us:

-- Given a monotonic predicate p, dropUntil p t is the rest of t after
-- removing the largest prefix whose measure does not satisfy p.
dropUntil :: Measured v a => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a

This is a more general version of the drop function we’re used to (the one that chops off elements from the front of a list). However, instead of chopping off a fixed number of elements, dropUntil keeps dropping elements until their combined measure satisfies some predicate. Recall that v is a monoid, so all the measures of the dropped elements can be combined before being passed to the predicate p.

In order to use this to implement our lookup, we just need to create a predicate p which returns False until some desired $k$ elements have been dropped. Since the monoid just counts the total number of elements, this predicate can be created by thresholding on the number of dropped elements; in other words, p = (> Sum k). The Sum monoid conveniently implements Ord, so we don’t need to unwrap it.

Once we apply dropUntil (> Sum k), we are left with a sequence that starts with the $k$th element. We can extract it using viewl, which looks at the leftmost element of the finger tree; this yields a left view data structure, which we can then pattern match on to extract our result. Thus, the complete lookup would be

index :: FingerTree (Sum Int) (Element a) -> Int -> Maybe a
index tree k =
  -- Discard the first k elements, and look at the leftmost remaining element.
  case viewl (dropUntil (> Sum k) tree) of
    -- If it's empty, we've dropped all elements,
    -- and this index was out of bounds to begin with.
    EmptyL -> Nothing
    Element x :< _ -> Just x

We can then use this as follows:

-- fromList is provided by Data.FingerTree
let tree = fromList (map Element ['a'..'z']) in
  print (index tree 13) -- prints Just 'n'

Since this application (quick lists) is so common, its shipped in base Haskell as Data.Sequence.

The real power of abstraction comes from code re-use, and it turns out that the finger tree data structure plus the monoid abstraction allow us great flexibility. With almost the same code as before, we can use the finger trees as a priority queue, instead of a fast access list. In order to do that, we must change the definition of our monoid. For demonstration purposes, our tasks (elements in the priority queue) will be strings, and the priority of a string will be its length:

data PrioritizedString = Str String

priority :: PrioritizedString -> Int
priority (Str s) = length s

This time, instead of searching for an element with a particular index, we wish to search for an element with a particular priority. The key difference lies in the fact that instead of combining priorities through addition, we combine priorities by taking their maximum. Before we write the Measured instance, we must have an appropriate monoid for maximums:

data Maximum = Max Int deriving Eq

instance Monoid Maximum where
  -- The identity element is just the minimum possible integer.
  mempty = Max minBound

  -- Combining two elements is taking the greater one.
  mappend (Max x) (Max y) = Max (max x y)

Once we have this monoid defined, we can define the measure for our prioritized strings:

instance Measured Maximum PrioritizedString where
  measure = priority

With these two instances in place, we’re ready to go. We’d like to be able to find the highest priority element element in our priority queue. First of all, we know that the top node annotation will be the monoidal sum of all annotations below it. Since our monoid just takes the maximum of two elements to combine them, the top annotation will be the maximum priority in the tree. Thus, to find the top priority element, we just dropUntil we reach a priority that is equal to the one at the top of the tree:

longestString :: FingerTree Maximum PrioritizedString -> Maybe String
longestString tree =
  -- The maximum priority is at the top of the tree.
  let maximumPriority = measure tree in
    -- Discard elements until we find the most important one.
    case viewl (dropUntil (== maximumPriority) tree) of
      -- If it's empty, there were no elements to begin with.
      EmptyL -> Nothing
      Str x :< _ -> Just x

There are two interesting things to note about this code. First of all, we use measure directly on the tree, and we do not in any way extract its top node. This is because Data.FingerTree provides us with the following instance:

-- The cached measure of a tree.
instance Measured v a => Measured v (FingerTree v a) where ...

This instance just accesses the measure at the top level of a tree, which is exactly what we need. The other thing you’ll note is that we use equality on the priority, which is why we needed a deriving Eq when we originally defined our Maximum data type.

At this point, we’ve successfully used the fingertree library and data structure to define two different things: a list with fast indexing, and a priority queue. Due to the clean interface that the Monoid typeclass and abstraction allows, we were able to define both with not much more than ten lines of code. We were able to leverage a very efficient and powerful library to do multiple very different things by using the right fine-grained abstraction, learning about monoids along the way.


In the previous section, we started off our study of abstraction in Haskell with the concept of a monoid, which was, roughly speaking, a type of thing that you can combine together. In this section, we’ll get some more practice with Haskell-style abstract thinking by discussing yet another abstraction used by Haskell programmers on a daily basis.

Recall the map function, which applies a function to every element of a list:

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

What makes lists special, though? Suppose we had a simple binary tree data structure:

-- Binary tree with a value of type 'a' at each node of the tree.
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)

We can define a function very similar to map for our Tree data structure. Let’s call it treeMap:

treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
treeMap f (Leaf a) = Leaf (f a)
treeMap f (Branch a left right) =
  Branch (f a) (treeMap f left) (treeMap f right)

Indeed, we’re beginning to see a pattern! We often have a container (such as [a] or Tree a), and we’d like to apply some function of type a -> b to every element in the container.

What we’re looking at turns out to be a bit more abstract than just containers. In Haskell, this abstraction is known as the functor (a name which, like many things in Haskell, comes from category theory). The associated type class looks like this:

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

We’ve already seen two types that fit this pattern, namely lists and trees. We can provide an instance of each:

-- This instance already exists in the standard library.
instance Functor [] where
  fmap = map

instance Functor Tree where
  fmap = treeMap

Note that we’re implementing a typeclass for Tree, not Tree a. Although Tree by itself is not a type (just something we can use to create a type, often called a type constructor), we can use it in typeclasses. In fact, if we look at the signature of fmap we see that it contains the types f a and f b, which means that whatever f is, it has to be a type constructor that takes exactly one argument.

So far, we’ve seen that we can create typeclasses that abstract over types (things like Maybe a and Int) as well as typeclasses that abstract over type constructors (like Maybe or Tree). Not only are these completely different things, but it would make no sense to mix them! Suppose we tried to implement a functor instance for Int:

instance Functor Int where
  fmap = ...

In this case, fmap would have type fmap :: (a -> b) -> Int a -> Int b, which makes no sense (what is an Int a?).

In order to make sure that instances and types makes sense, Haskell has a kind system, which is effectively a type system on top of types (instead of on top of values). The kind system is a bit simpler, though, having only the following two rules:

  • The kind of all value types (such as Maybe a, Int, and String) is denoted * (an asterisk).

  • The kind of a type constructor that takes something of kind k and outputs something of kind g is denoted k -> g.

While the first rule is fairly simple, the second can be a bit more difficult to parse. Kinds with -> act similarly to types with ->. A type with kind * -> is something that takes a concrete value type (such as Int) and yields another concrete value type. A good example of this would be MaybeMaybe takes a type, such as Int, and yields a new value type, Maybe Int. Thus, Maybe on its own must have kind -> . By the same rules, we can determine that Either must have kind -> * -> *.

In the case of the Functor instance, we can tell by the signature fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b that the type f must have kind * -> , because the type f a appears as a real value (an argument to fmap) and must thus be of kind .

Explicit Kind Signatures

GHC allows you to explicitly set the kind of type variables if you enable the KindSignatures extension. With that extension enabled, you could write something like

class MyFunctor (f :: * -> *) where
  myFmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

You could also use the same syntax with data declarations:

data StrangeValue (m :: * -> *) = Value (m Int)

Before moving on, let’s look at a few more examples of functors to solidify our understanding. In order to write a Functor instance, we need a type of kind * -> * (a type constructor that takes on argument). One type constructor we’ve worked with a lot is Maybe, and indeed, this is one of the most common functor uses in Haskell. A Maybe value represents a value or computation that might have failed (and yielded Nothing). Coming from an imperative language, a Maybe a may be similar to a nullable a. In order to work with these failed or nullable values, we can use the following functor instance:

instance Functor Maybe where
  -- Do nothing with a Nothing.
  fmap f Nothing = Nothing

  -- Apply the function to whatever is inside the Just.
  fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)

It turns out that this instance is incredibly useful for chaining together computations that work on something that might’ve failed. For instance, suppose we want to use the following lookup function:

-- Look up a value in an association list.
lookup :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b

Given a list like [(1, "Hello"), (2, "Bye")] we can use lookup to extract the first b associated with a given a:

let associations = [(1, "Hello"), (2, "Bye")] in
  print (lookup 1 associations) -- Prints Just "Hello"

Suppose we’d like to do a lookup, and then perform some other computations if it succeeds (for example, reverse the string and remove duplicate characters). One way to achieve this is through a case statement, using nub from the Data.List module:

-- Lookup a string in an association list.
-- Then, reverse it, and remove duplicate consecutive characters.
case lookup 1 associations of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just string -> nub (reverse string)

Alternative, using our Functor instance for Maybe, we can write this very cleanly and succinctly with fmap:

fmap (nub . reverse) (lookup 1 associations)

We create a new function by composing nub and reverse, and then apply it inside the Maybe. Just like the case, this yields Nothing if the lookup fails, or a Just value if it succeeds.

Just like we have an instance for Maybe, we can create one for Either. Recall that the Either type is declared as follows:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

Since it takes two type parameters, it must be of kind *+ -> +*+ -> +*. A Functor instance declaration for Either wouldn’t make sense, since Functor requires something of kind *+ -> +*. However, by supplying Either with one variable in the declaration, we can make it’s kind into *+ -> +*: just like you can curry Haskell functions, you can curry Haskell types. Thus, we can write the following instance

instance Functor (Either a) where
  fmap f (Left a) = Left a
  fmap f (Right b) = Right (f b)

Note that by declaring the instance for Either a, we satisfy the requirement that the functor be something of kind * -> *. What this means is that the a is fixed throughout the fmap, so using fmap on something of type Either a b cannot change the a (but it can change the b). In this instance, the type of fmap is specialized to

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Either c a -> Either c b

Note that we have to change the name of the first type variable in Either a to Either c, in order to avoid conflicts with the a and b in a -> b.

Since many Haskell data structures have more than one the parameter, the trick of currying one type parameter and using the curried type to declare a functor is fairly common. For instance, we can do the same thing with the tuple type (a, b): we fix the a and declare a Functor instance with the b as the functor contents:

instance Functor ((,) a) where
  fmap f (a, b) = (a, f b)

Note that due to a strange quick of Haskell syntax, we write (,) a in order to declare a tuple type constructor of kind * -> * which has the first element as a and the second element as an argument to the constructor.

Tuple Sections

We can write (,) a for the tuple type constructor of kind * -> *. Similarly, we can write (,) at the value level to reference the function of type a -> b -> (a, b). In other words, we can write (,) 3 "Hi" in order to create the tuple (3, "Hi"), or we can write (,) 3 to instead of \x -> (3, x).

We can use the same trick with tuples of more than two elements; for instance, the kind of the type constructor (,,) is * -> * -> * -> * and the type of the value constructor (,,) is a -> b -> c -> (a, b, c). Try these out in GHCi – since the notation is overloaded for both values and types, it may be a bit tricky to keep things straight!

Since writing these for large tuples is unwieldy, GHC offers an extension called TupleSections. When enabled, this extension allows you to intersperse elements inside incomplete tuples. For instance, you can write (3,) instead of \x -> (3, x). Similarly, you can write (,3) instead of \x -> (x, 3), or (3,,,'c',) instead of \x y z -> (3, x, y, 'c', z).

However, watch out – generally, if you have tuples with more than two or three elements, you probably want to use your own data type with a name instead.

Note that a similar syntactic quirk applies to function types. Namely, in order to use the type (c ->) of kind *+ -> +*, you must write (->) c. Thus, the type (->) c b is completely equivalent to c -> b. The observation that (->) c has kind *+ -> +* might lead us to an intriguing question…​ can we write a functor instance for it?

Suppose we want to write a Functor instance for (->) c. We’d start with our general instance scaffold:

instance Functor ((->) c) where
  fmap = ...

However, what would we do with fmap? What does that even mean?

In this case, it’s often helpful to think about the types involved, and let the types guide your coding. We know that for a functor f, the definition tells us that fmap has type fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Since we are specializing f to (->) c, fmap must have type (a -> b) -> (->) c a -> (->) c b. If we undo the syntactic quirkiness, we find that fmap has type (a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> (c -> b). Since we’re letting the types guide our intuition and coding, can you think of something that has that type? The key observation is that both of the two arguments are one-argument functions, and the output of one is the input to the other. It turns out that the type of this fmap is the same as the type of (.), the composition operator! Alternatively, we can write function composition ourselves, and write the following instance:

instance Functor ((->) c) where
  fmap f g = \c -> f (g c)

The following instance is identical in semantics:

instance Functor ((->) c) where
  fmap = (.)

And that’s it – it turns out that (->) c can indeed be made into a functor, and pretty easily, too!

This raises two questions:

  1. Is this really a functor? Does it behave similarly to the other functor’s we’ve seen?

  2. What does it mean that this is a functor? What’s the intuition behind this instance?

The first question can be answered by doing what we usually do with Haskell abstractions – coming up with a set of laws that instances of the abstraction must follow, and verifying that the particular instance we’re interested in follows those laws.

In the case of functors, we’d like to enforce a few of our basic intuitions. Our intuitions for functors should tell us that fmap ing a function over a functor is equivalent to applying the function inside the functor. Due to this intuition, we may think that if we apply a function that does nothing, that should have no effect and do nothing to the larger data structure. We can codify this in the following law:

fmap id == id

Note that we are writing in point-free style, where we avoid mentioning the actual object that these functions are applying to. What we really mean is that for any functor f and any type f, if any x has type f a, fmap id x must be equal to x.

The other law is motivated in the same way. Since fmap ing a function is like applying a function inside the container, fmap ing the composition of two functions (where one function is directly applied to the output of another) should be the same as fmap ing the first function and then fmap ing the second function. In other words,

fmap f . fmap g == fmap (f . g)

These two laws are known together as the functor laws, and codify the behaviours that a "proper" Functor instance must follow. These are quite useful in guiding us in instance implementation. For example, suppose we tried to implement the following Functor instance for lists:

instance Functor [] where
  fmap _ [] = []
  fmap f xs = [f (head xs)]

We can verify that the type of fmap is correct. However, the behaviour is a little bit strange – we only keep the first element of the list! Indeed, this strange functor instance would be eliminated by checking the first functor law:

-- First functor law: fmap id == id
fmap id [1, 2, 3] /= id [1, 2, 3]

-- The first functor law is not satisfied:
-- fmap id [1, 2, 3] == [1]
-- id [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]

Now that we have some functor laws to guide us, we can answer our first question and verify that our instance for (->) c is a valid functor. Since fmap is just (.), we can check the first law by verifying that

fmap id g == id g
-- ...which expands to...
id . g == g

However, we know that id does nothing when composed (on the right or the left), so the first law holds! The second law can be verified in the same manner – by taking the definitions of fmap, expanding them, and then using what we know about function composition and id to prove what we want.

Finally, we can answer our second question, and try to provide some intuition for this functor. Although we can attempt to provide intuition, it is important to remember that ultimately, a Functor is simply any type along with an implementation of fmap which satisfies the functor laws. Our intuition may be helpful for reasoning about this functor, but the definition is just that – something which satisfies the requirements and laws of a functor. With that said, the intuition that helps with the (->) c functor is that we can view this as a data structure with a hole in it, where the hole needs something of type c to fill it.

For example, suppose we have a data structure

data Thing = Thing Int String

In that case, we can create a type that represents a Thing with a hole.

type ThingWithHole = Int -> Thing

The data structure with a hole is represented by a function, because once we get something to fill the hole (an Int), we can create a complete data structure (a Thing). Thus, applying fmap to something of type (->) c a is like operating on a data structure of type a with an unfilled hole of type c, just like applying fmap to something of type Maybe a is operating on a data structure of type a that might actually be null (Nothing).

A Synonym for fmap

The operator $ is often used for function application, where f $ x is equivalent to just f x. However, there is also an operator <$> which allows you to operate inside a functor. <$> is just function application inside a functor – in other words, it’s just fmap. This operator can be defined as simply as <$> = fmap, and is exported in the base library from Control.Applicative, although it is defined for any Functor. It is often used in chains of computation. For instance, our previous example for applying some functions to the output of a lookup

fmap (nub . reverse) (lookup 1 associations)

would be written as follows using the infix <$> operator:

nub <$> reverse <$> lookup 1 associations

This mirrors the non-functor version, which would just have $ s in place of <$>. Depending on who you ask, the latter version is clearer, and is very common in Haskell code.


Functors, along with the Functor typeclass and fmap, can be very useful for talking about computations happening inside a container or computational context. For example, we can use the Functor instance for Maybe in order to write code which operates on a failed computation and/or nullable value (see the previous section for some examples). But there are many cases where the Functor abstraction turns out to be insufficient.

Consider the head function that takes the first element of a list:

head :: [a] -> a
head [] = error "empty list"
head (x:xs) = x

Instead of crashing with an error on empty lists, we may instead want to signal failure by returning a Maybe value, allowing us to write safer, typechecked code. We could rewrite head and call it headMay, with the -May suffix indicating that it returns a Maybe value:

headMay :: [a] -> Maybe a
headMay [] = Nothing
headMay (x:xs) = Just x
Avoiding Partial Functions

The function head, and others like it, are called partial functions. A partial function is a function which throws an exception (crashes with an error) when given some inputs. Other examples of partial functions in the standard Haskell Prelude include read (which crashes when given an input it can’t parse, such as read "Hello" :: Int) and tail, last, minimum, maximum (all of which crash on an empty list).

All of these are ultimately defined through a special function called error:

error :: String -> a

The error function has a nonsensical type and escapes the type system; instead of returning something of type a, it just crashes with an error. In this case, it’s very clear that error must crash – there is no generic way to turn a String into any a.

The name "partial function" comes from mathematics. In mathematics, a function from some set $A$ to another set $B$ is defined as a particular mapping that can take any element of $A$ and output some element of $B$. For something to be a function, it must be defined on every element of $A$. Thus, Haskell programmers will often use the phrase "partial function" to describe a function that only operates on a subset of its input type (that is, a function which is declared to take an a to a b, but actually only works on some values of type a).

Partial functions are generally considered a bad idea, as they can introduce unexpected failure points in your program and prevent the type system from catching errors. Many of the partial functions in Prelude exist in non-partial variants in the safe package. For instance, the safe package includes headMay, tailMay, readMay, and a number of other safe functions.

Now, suppose we’re storing a 3D array as a list. (Due to the runtime characteristics of linked lists, this is a terrible idea in practice!) For some reason, we need to access the top left corner of this 3D array. In other words, we have a triply nested list (type []) and we’d like to access the first a in it by repeatedly taking the head of these lists. If we’re using plain old head, this is very easy:

firstElement :: [[[a]]] -> a
firstElement = head . head . head

We can test that it works by plugging in firstElement [[[1]]]; indeed, we get 1, as expected. However, if we plug in [[]] or [[[]]], we get the standard head exception, since the element we want to access doesn’t exist.

Naturally, as Haskell programmers, we’d like to rewrite this to be safe, just like we changed head into headMay. A first attempt might look something like this:

-- Does not work!
firstElementMay = headMay . headMay . headMay

However, if you try putting this into GHC, you’ll see that these types don’t match! By returning a Maybe, we’ve broken our ability to compose functions! We might be tempted to turn to our trusty Functor instance, since we’ve seen that that using fmap will help us with error handling. If we try that, we might get something like this:

-- Typechecks, but doesn't do what we want!
firstElementMay = fmap (fmap headMay) . fmap headMay . headMay

Indeed, that definition typechecks (better than nothing!), but instead of just giving us a Maybe a we get a much uglier beast of the form Maybe (Maybe (Maybe a)). Clearly, this is not what we wanted, because pattern matching on that thing will be a huge pain!

The underlying reason for the difficulty here is that the Functor instance is good for modeling a single missing value, but it isn’t food for modeling a process in which any individual step might fail. In words, one might describe what we’re doing as a process: Take the head three times, and if any of those fail, return Nothing, otherwise, return Just the result. Indeed, we can implement this with pattern matching:

-- Works, but is very clunky.
firstElementMay :: [[[a]] -> Maybe a
firstElementMay xs = case headMay xs of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just xs' -> case headMay xs' of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just xs'' -> xs''

Eek, that’s ugly! In order to clean this up, we’re going to follow our intuition of describing this as a process that might fail at any step. Let’s implement this as the following function:

processWith :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
processWith value func =
  case value of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just x -> Just (func value)

We’ve named this function very deliberately: if we use it in infix form (using backticks to turn the function into an infix operator), we get something that is very element and reads almost like English:

-- Clean and working!
firstElementMay :: [[[a]] -> Maybe a
firstElementMay xs =
  headMay xs `processWith` headMay `processWith` headMay

Note that in the definition above, we have the first headMay as a special case. We start off our processing chain with its result, headMay xs. In order to write the entire process as one pipeline without the first one being a special case, we’ll define a strangely named return function which just starts us off inside the Maybe:

return = Just

Now we can write this pipeline in a uniform manner. We use return to put something inside the pipeline, and then use processWith to define what needs to happen:

firstElementMay :: [[[a]] -> Maybe a
firstElementMay xs =
  return xs `processWith` headMay
            `processWith` headMay
            `processWith` headMay

The name return may seem a little strange at first, but stick with it for now – it will make sense eventually! (Note that return is just a name. Don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s something syntactically special, just because other languages tend to have return as a keyword!)

Using return and processWith, we can define very clean and elegant processing pipelines. It turns out this pattern is very common in Haskell, and in programming in general. Before formalizing this abstraction, let’s look at another example.

The key to this abstraction is that, roughly speaking, we’re generalizing over types of computation. In the case of processWith and Maybe, we are creating a pipeline of processes that might fail and modeling a computation that has the ability to fail at any step. At any step, our potentially failing computation can produce either one value or zero values (failure). We can generalize this behaviour by talking about a computation that can produce any number of values at each step.

In order to represent the state of a computation that can produce multiple values, we’ll just use a plain old list. At each step of the computation, we’ll take all the current values, process them with the next step of the computation, and collect all the results. Note that the step gives us a list of results, as well. The result looks like this:

processWith :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
processWith values nextStep =
  let newOutputs :: [[b]]
      newOutputs = map nextStep values in
    concat newOutputs

(Note that this is showing another application of this pipelining abstraction; we can’t actually write two functions named processWith with different type signatures. That’s what typeclasses are for.)

Let’s try this with a simple example. We’ll start with the list [1, 2, 3] and then we’ll filter it by using a function that gets rid of odd numbers, \x -> if odd x then [] else [x]. Combining these with processWith, we get

[1, 2, 3] `processWith` \x ->
  if odd x
  then []
  else [x]

As expected, this gives us the result [2]. (While you may note that using filter would be much simpler in this case, this simple case does show off how our pipeline works in general.)

Let’s try this on another example. Suppose you want to write a function which takes the Cartesian product of two lists. Namely, given lists of x s and lists of y s, it produces all the pairs (x, y). For the lists xs = [1, 2] and ys = ["Hi", "Bye"], this would produce the output list [(1, "Hi"), (1, "Bye"), (2, "Hi"), (2, "Bye")]. We could write this using pattern matching, though it takes a bit of thinking to figure out how to do it right:

cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesianProduct xs [] = []
cartesianProduct [] ys = []
cartesianProduct (x:xs) ys = map tuple ys ++ cartesianProduct xs ys
    tuple y = (x, y)

Alternatively, we could model this as a process which outputs multiple values. At the first step, the process outputs the xs; at the second step, it outputs all the ys; then, it combines them with tuples. This might seem a bit convoluted, but produces straight-forward (if syntactically ugly) code:

cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesianProduct xs ys =
  xs `processWith` (\x ->
  ys `processWith` (\y ->
  [(x, y)]))

At this point, we can complete our pattern by implementing a return function:

return :: a -> [a]
return x = [x]

Now we see why it’s called return: it has a tendency to be used when we need to output a final value from our computation pipeline! Rewriting our Cartesian product with return is a very minor modification:

cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesianProduct xs ys =
  xs `processWith` (\x ->
  ys `processWith` (\y ->
  return (x, y)))

Although this end result is arguably simpler than our original pattern matching example, this style of programming can be very natural. For instance, we wanted to extend this to three lists, the changes would be very small:

cartesianProduct3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a, b, c)]
cartesianProduct3 xs ys zs =
  xs `processWith` (\x ->
  ys `processWith` (\y ->
  zs `processWith` (\z ->
  return (x, y, z))))

On the other hand, modifying the original pattern matching crossProduct may be a bit tedious and somewhat more error-prone.

As I alluded to earlier when we redefined the meaning of processWith, this abstraction is codified in a Haskell typeclass, as usual. Although one might want to call this typeclass something like Pipeline or Process or Sequenceable, in Haskell this typeclass is called Monad. The typeclass renamed processWith to an infix operator written >>= (pronounced "bind"):

class Monad m where
  return :: a -> m a
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

Note how the type signature of >>= looks exactly like processWith, if you replaced m with Maybe or [] (the list type constructor).

We can implement Monad instances for Maybe and [] using the processWith and return definitions we saw previously:

instance Monad Maybe where
  Nothing >>= _ = Nothing
  Just x >>= f = f x
  return = Just

instance Monad [] where
  values >>= nextStep = concat (map nextStep values)
  return x = []

With these instances, our previous functions become

firstElementMay :: [[[a]] -> Maybe a
firstElementMay xs =
  return xs >>= headMay
            >>= headMay
            >>= headMay

cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesianProduct xs ys =
  xs >>= (\x ->
  ys >>= (\y ->
  return (x, y)))

If you’ve heard a lot about monads in Haskell, this is all they are – they are a pattern for describing these sorts of pipelines. That’s it!

Of course, like many abstractions, there are many applications of this abstraction where the word "pipeline" or "computation" won’t seem to be quite right, which is why Haskell programmers have a tendency to prefer abstract names (which may seem meaningless to the rest of us). As with the Monoid abstraction and the Functor abstraction, something is a Monad if it implements the methods in the typeclass and follows some set of laws (called, unsurprisingly, the monad laws). It’s important to note that there are no other requirements for being a Monad, which means that sometimes, you’ll find Monad instances for things that do not follow your intuitions of "pipelines" at all.

Like we did with Functor s, we’ll try to motivate the monad laws with intuition about how these pipelines should be have. So far, we’ve defined return as something hat just wraps a value in our Monad. In the case of Maybe, we wrapped values by putting them in a Just, while with lists, we wrapped values by putting them in a one-element list. We’ll enforce the intuition that return doesn’t do anything except wrap values with two laws, the first being as follows:

m >>= return == m

This says that if you process m using return, you just get m back.

The second law is effectively a reverse of the first laws. Instead of processing a value which is already in a monad with return, we’ll lift a non-monadic value into a monad using return. Then, we’ll process this value with some function, and verify that the result would be the same had we just applied the function to the non-monadic value in the first place.

return x >>= f == f x

The last monad law is a little bit more difficult, but effectively states that >>= is an associative operator.

(m >>= n) >>= p == m >>= (\x -> n x >>= p)

Note that this isn’t quite associativity of >>=, since we can’t write m >>= (n >>= p) on the right hand side (because n is a function, not a value in a monad). Monads that don’t follow this law can be very unintuitive. This law states that the grouping of things in the pipeline doesn’t matter; if our values go through the entire pipeline, it doesn’t matter if we view the first two processes as one group (the left hand side of the equation above) or if we view the second two processes as one group (the right hand side). This may seem like something we can take for granted, but this is worth encoding as a law precisely because it seems like something we’d want to take for granted.

Kleisli Composition

The monad laws also have another, slightly nicer formulation. We can define an operator called Kleisli composition, written as follows:

(>=>) :: (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> m c)
f >=> g = \a -> g a >>= f

This allows us to easily compose functions that output something in a monad, and acts similar to (.). If we write the monad laws using >=> instead of >>=, we get the following three laws:

-- 'return' is the identity
return >=> f == f
f >=> return == f

-- >=> is associative
(f >=> g) >=> h == f >=> (g >=> h)

When written like this, the monad laws begin to resemble the monoid laws, with >=> replacing mappend and return replacing mempty! It turns out this is not a coincidence, but has a deep underlying meaning. However, that is out of the scope of this guide.

While typeclasses and laws can be pretty powerful on their own, the Monad abstraction is so important in Haskell that it has its own syntax, known as do notation. This syntax allows us to write these monadic "pipelines" very cleanly, without resorting to anonymous functions like we did in the cartesianProduct example. Do notation has three rules, which dictate how do notation is expanded into a standard Haskell expression.

Expansion 1: The block of code

  variable <- m

is expanded to

m >>= (\variable -> do

Note that nextStep may use variable, and may consist of multiple statements.

Expansion 2: The block of code


is expanded to

m >>= (\_ -> do

This case is identical to the previous one, but no variable name is bound. The output of m is ignored.

Expansion 3: The block of code

  let x = y

is expanded to

let x = y in do

This allows us to easily embed let statements in do blocks. Note that there is no in after the let! \end{enumerate} With this notation, our firstElementMay and cartesianProduct functions become even cleaner:

firstElementMay :: [[[a]] -> Maybe a
firstElementMay xs = do
  first <- headMay xs
  second <- headMay first
  headMay second

cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesianProduct xs ys = do
  x <- xs
  y <- ys
  return (x, y)

Although do notation is incredibly convenient, beware of viewing it as simple imperative programming. Although it may look like an escape hatch from the functional paradigm into a more standard imperative language, do notation is just syntactic sugar over return and bind (>>=); forgetting that can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Also, note that there are times where using return and >>= directly may be simpler than using do notation, so do not be afraid to use them without the syntactic sugar. (For instance, the firstElementMay implementation is arguably cleaner without do notation.)

Signaling Failure in Monads

In addition to >>= and return, the Monad typeclass used by Haskell has another function, fail, with the following type signature:

fail :: String -> m a

The fail function has absolutely nothing to do with the theoretical abstraction of a monad, but exists in Haskell to allow for pattern matching in do notation. When a pattern match fails, the fail function is called.

Although usually fail is just error, sometimes this allows us to write very neat code. In the Maybe monad, fail simply returns Nothing, so any pattern match failure results in Nothing. This allows us to make assumptions about the structures we’re pattern matching, and just get back Nothing if our assumptions turn out to be wrong:

-- Example of pattern matching in a Maybe do block.
  -- Create an association list.
  let list = [(1, "a:3"), (2, "b:3")]

  -- Lookup a value in the association list.
  -- 'lookup' returns Nothing if the key doesn't exist.
  -- If the key does it exist, it returns Just the value.
  string <- lookup list 1

  -- Pattern match directly on the string.
  char:':':num <- return string

  -- Use readMay from the Safe module.
  int <- readMay num
  return (char, num)

This simply outputs Just ('a', 3). However, if we replace "a:3" with "no-3" or any other string that doesn’t fit our pattern, the entire block would return Nothing.

Note that including fail in the Monad typeclass is considered an implementation wart or perhaps even a mistake, so a good guideline to follow is to avoid using fail explicitly. However, know that it is used any time a pattern match failure is encountered, such as the example above. Recently, proposals have been made to remove fail from the Monad typeclass, so perhaps by GHC 7.12 or 7.14 this section will be no longer relevant, and will be replaced with some sort of MonadFail typeclass.


So far, we’ve seen three abstractions commonly used in Haskell: the monoid, the functor, and the monad. There are a few other abstractions that we will cover at a later point, but these three will get you the majority of the way to Haskell fluency.

Recall that we started by defining a monoid as follows:

A monoid is some set $M$ of objects along with a binary operator $\diamond : M \to M \to M$ such that:

  • There exists some identity element, $e \in M$, such that for any $m \in M$, combining $e$ with $m$ using $\diamond$ (on either side) does nothing to $m$: \[e \diamond m = m \diamond e = m.\]

  • The binary operator $\diamond$ is associative: for any $a, b, c \in M$, \[a \diamond (b \diamond c) = (a \diamond b) \diamond c).\] In other words, grouping which $\diamond$ operator gets computed first does not matter (although order of operands can matter!).

Whenever we had a mathematical abstraction that defined some set (such as the monoid $M$), we could describe the set as a type in Haskell, and describe the abstraction on the set as a typeclass. The resulting typeclass is (unsurprisingly) called Monoid in Haskell, and is defined as follows:

class Monoid a where
  -- Identity of 'mappend'
  mempty  :: a

  -- An associative operation
  mappend :: a -> a -> a

  -- Fold a list using the monoid.
  -- For most types, the default definition for 'mconcat' will be
  -- used, but the function is included in the class definition so
  -- that an optimized version can be provided for specific types.
  mconcat :: [a] -> a
  mconcat = foldr mappend mempty

-- Infix version of mappend
(<>) = mappend

Note that mconcat is actually part of the class, although it has a default definition defined in terms of mappend and mempty. As a result, instances of the Monoid class need only to define those two primitives.

The next abstraction we covered in this guide was the Functor. Although we could give a similar mathematical definition and translate it into Haskell, the mathematics is out of the scope of this guide, so we can skip directly to the typeclass:

class  Functor f  where
  fmap        :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

  -- Replace all locations in the input with the same value.
  -- This may be overridden with a more efficient version.
  (<$)        :: a -> f b -> f a
  (<$)        =  fmap . const

(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$>) = fmap

The Functor class Haskell uses defines an extra operation, <$. This operation simply replaces the contents of the functor with a new value; thus, 3 <$ Just "hi" == Just 3. For historical reasons, the similar operator <$> is exported from Control.Applicative, even though it is quite idiomatic to use it with any Functor.

Once we’d seen a few functors, we looked at the workhorse of abstractions in Haskell – the Monad typeclass. Like Functor and Monoid, the Monad typeclass includes a few bits we haven’t previously discussed:

class  Monad m  where
  -- Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced
  -- by the first as an argument to the second.
  (>>=)       :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

  -- Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced
  -- by the first, like sequencing operators (such as the semicolon)
  -- in imperative languages.
  (>>)        :: m a -> m b -> m b

  -- | Inject a value into the monadic type.
  return      :: a -> m a

  -- Fail with a message.  This operation is not part of the
  -- mathematical definition of a monad, but is invoked on pattern-match
  -- failure in a 'do' expression.
  fail        :: String -> m a

  -- Default definitions!
  m >> k      = m >>= \_ -> k
  fail s      = error s

In order to implement an instance of Monad, we need to define >>= and return. The typeclass also contains >> (which is like >>= but discards any value produced by its input) and fail, which is used on pattern match failures. However, these are given default definitions defined in terms of >>= and error, so they do not need to be implemented to make something into a Monad.

Free Monads

When discussing monoids, we briefly touched on the fact that the list data type [] forms a free monoid. Given any type a, the [] type can turn it into a monoid, since [a] (for all a) is a monoid using ++ as the binary operator and [] (empty list) as the identity. However, lists satisfy another fancy property – they are the minimal type that can turn any a into a monoid; lists have exactly enough structure to turn the a into a monoid, but no other structure. It turns out that there is an analogue for free monoids in the land of monads, called (unsurprisingly) free monads. Just like lists preserve the structure of monoidness and can turn any data type into a monoid, free monads preserve the structure of monadness (and do notation) and can turn (almost) any data type into a monad. Free monads are a fairly advanced topic, but can be very useful!